

dp Studio Ting Yi Services
We understand that everyone’s needs are different. We are a boutique studio and can be custom tailored to fit your purpose.
Photography and Video
Capture the beauty and joy within the moments. Our photojournalistic style is accented by the creative eye. Record your day through an exciting collection of images that tell your story. Choose a complete package or design one to suit your wishes.
Planning and Design
This service is unique and completely depend upon the needs of the customer. You can look to us for kindly suggestions of a florist that may fit your tastes to obtaining the building permits for your custom to be built on some tropical island.
All photographs go through our digital workflow process, enhancing details and mood – none of our photos look like snapshots. Every package comes with a private website to view and proof your prints. You can share this site with friends and family (after you have selected which images are to be made available) for them to pick and order their own photos, albums or any other of our products.

For more questions/information please contact Ting Yi McCluskey at